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Whimsyy's Ninth Week

Whimsyy's Ninth Week

The last missing member of our group has been added to the Facebook messenger group and has added his work to the Google Slides presentation. I am delighted as I feel we are all together as a group now. We have organised to go through the work on the 6th of December at 6pm. I will be back with an update.
All of the group together.

Myself and the rest of the group yellow had a Messenger call on the 6th of December at 6 pm as previously mentioned. We went through the work done so far and talked about any changes that was needed. The work was looking good and I was pleased with the progress. We organised to have the work completed before Wednesday the 12th so that we could do a practice run through the presentation as a group on a Messenger call. I made a second Google Slides account and asked if we all could place our related images to the written work on it. To also have our images placed in order of reader so that it would be ready to go through the practice run. This is going to be the Google slides presented used on the main day.  (13th December 2018). I wrote in the time and date for the deadline and practice day on our Messenger group and made any alterations I felt would make the presentation look relatable to the topic, with a nature themed background. I also chose to change the original background as the text was not readable which would cause problems during presentation. I will be back for an update of the practice run through.

It is the 12th of December 2018 and my team Yellow were on a Messenger call. We each read through the work one by one, Muriel001 being first as she wanted to bring the class to a location related to refurbishing furniture which we felt was best to do at the beginning. Maevebrienny was second, Myself being third, Cmragasa was 4th, JonathanBK was 5th to read and JeromeZZC was 6th closing the presentation. 
Myself and Muriel001 went to her suggested location to see what it was like. The location worked and there was a refurbished piano waterfall in the centre of the location. This is where Muriel001 felt best for the class to gather first to get the atmosphere which we agreed on. The presentation went smoothly and we felt comfortable about presenting our presentation tomorrow. I will update below on how this went. Fingers crossed! 


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