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Whimsyy's Sixth Week

Whimsyy's Sixth Week

For today’s class, John spoke about the importance of our blogs and to make sure that they are refined. I did a few changes so I’m hoping my blogs are up to standard. John was also saying to go from describing my experience in Second Life to now reflecting on my experience of team building which I will go though at the end.
We were also asked to talk about how I might convert my personal presence online into an identity for professional networking as it is very important, therefore, to be aware of the nature of the online environment and to maintain a high level of digital literacy.
Personal presence online can be as important to employers/ employees/ customers and followers, one must take into consideration when posting on social media, that it is there for all to see and that you can be judged with positivity but to expect the negativity too. Not everything is everyone’s “cup of tea” and it can have a backlash effect on one’s personal career or how their employer/ employees/ customers and followers might perceive them. It can also be a platform to better one’s career by publicly displaying your work and receiving a wider audience. To utilise my online presence, I personally would delete any material that I would consider to be inappropriate to my business, to not have it too personal and limit what one can see. I would also display material that would promote my work, and business, for example, display designs and renders as well as change my bio and add business information.

    Do's and Dont's of social media: 

Group Update:
It took a while to get 5 out of 6 members of the group together (still 1 missing). On the 31st of October, Myself and 4 others of group Yellow met up in SL. A few were having problems with the connection so we decided to do a group Facebook call. It was difficult to get others in the group to talk, I asked everyone if they could hear me and would get a yes response but if I asked about the brief it would be silent. Maybe this was a result of not understanding the brief or not feeling confident enough to talk about how they saw it? I asked prior to the meet up if all could make sure to go over the brief and if there were any questions to ask just so they did feel comfortable going into the call meeting. I found it difficult to be on a group call in silence so I was trying to bring the conversation out of each by asking questions and specifying a name to answer. I asked a few times if anyone read the brief and had any opinions or questions on it but I got no response. I wanted to make some sort of progress with the work so I went ahead and asked did they want to know what I thought the brief was about and explained in my opinion. I didn’t want to be the only one giving my view on the brief in case it was wrong or if there could have been a better one, or even to combine all of our suggestions together. I thought the brief was asking us to take into consideration in the future when we are working in our chosen careers, ways in which things can be changed to make less damage to the environment. I then suggested to go to each person and ask what they want to do as a career in the future.

1)    JeromeZZC wants to go back to his country and get a job in an office and then in the future possibly be a design teacher.
2)    Muriel001 wants to be an interior designer, working in a company and then to have her own business in the future and to also possibly have a business abroad.
3)    Cmragasa wants to work with a business in Dublin to get experience and then create her own business abroad with Interior design and Architectural design as her two skills.
4)    Maevebrienny also wants to work in a business to achieve experience before creating her own business in America.
5)    I (Whimsyy) want to work in Dublin in an Interior Design company and also have my own Furniture design company which I can work at from home and sell online so I can work for both at the same time.

I asked if everyone, for our next call, could write this down in more detail, to talk about the negativity of each person’s future careers and the damage they can cause to the environment as well as to suggest a solution to reduce or prevent it. 


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